A sign of hope
(Org. La Señal)

Peru, Germany, 2016, L: 76 min

D: Leandro Pinto le Roux
E: Miguel Barreda Delgado
P: via expresa, EZEF, SUR Films
Supported by EZEF, Ministerio de Cultura (Peru)
2016 · L: 76 min
Documentary film

DVD-release german speaking short version: EZEF
Sales: contact SUR Films

“It is as true today as it ever was: He who seeks beauty will find it.”

Is it possible to adapt a teaching methodology to the diverse realities in a country as Peru?

Pinto le Roux investigates and discovers the potential and talents of children and their teacher, whose efforts are not always recognized by the education system, in a rural school in the Peruvian highlands.Teacher Julio: "All of us can learn and no one is left behind. Here in the countryside we see children that are unpolluted by what’s in the city. I’m talking about self-esteem. Values. Our kids here in the countryside are very loving, affectionate. I think that I’m educating good kids here.“